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이지훈 교수
이지훈 교수 이지훈 교수
전공 Analysis
연구실 305-916
내선번호 5480
E-MAIL jhleepde@cau.ac.kr
주요 학력 B.S. in Mathematics, Seoul National Univ., 1996
M.S. in Mathematics, Seoul National Univ., 1998
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Seoul National Univ., 2002
주요 경력 BK 21 Postdoctoral Researcher, Seoul National University, (2002.3-2003.2)
Postdoctoral Researcher, PACM, Princeton University (2003. 3-2004.2)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Max-Planck institute,Leipzig, Germany (2004.3-2004.8)
Assistant Professor, Sungkyunkwan Uuniversity (2004.9-2010.9)
Associate Professor, Sungkyunkwan Uuniversity (2010.9-Present)
Visiting Scholar, California State University, Long Beach, USA (2011.8-2012.7)
주요 연구분야 Analysis (Nonlinear Partial differential equations)
주요 논문 01) ``Regularity Criterion in terms of Pressure for the Navier-Stokes Equations", Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 46 (2001), 727--735 (with D. Chae).
02) ``On the Regularity of Axisymmetric Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations", Math. Zeitschrift, 239 (2002), 645--671 (with D. Chae).
03) ``On the Time Singularity of the modified Navier-Stokes equations" Archive. ineq. and application, 1 (2003), 55—59
04) ``Local existence and Blow-up criterion of the inhomogeneous Euler equations", J. Mathematical Fluid mechanics, 5 (2003) 133--169 (with D. Chae)
05) ``Global well-posedness in the super-critical dissipative quasi-geostrophic equations", Comm. Math. Phys., 233 (2003), 297--311 (with D. Chae)
06) ``Generic solvability for the 3-D Navier-Stokes equations with nonregular force" E. JDE, (2004) 78 1—8
07) ``Ergodicity for the dissipative Boussinesque equations" J. Statis. Phys. 117 (2004) 929--973 (with M-Y. Wu)
08) ``The incompressible limits of viscous polytropic fluids with zero thermal conductivity coefficient", Comm. PDE, 30 (2005) 1169--1189. (with H. Kim)
09) ``On regularity criteria in conjunction with the pressure of the Navier-Stokes equations" International Mathematics Research Notices, 2006 id 80762 1--25 (with K. Kang)
10) ``On the Interior Regularity of Suitable Weak Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations", Comm. PDE. 32 (2007) 1189--1207.(with D. Chae and K. Kang)